Frequently Asked Questions
What is Time 4 Us?
Time 4 Us is a play centre for families where one parent does not live in the family home. We offer a safe, neutral venue where children can spend time with their non-resident parent in a fun-filled, relaxed environment. We are open at times which suit the needs of children and parents – afternoons, evenings and weekends. As well as having play facilities, parents can prepare snacks for their children and help with homework.
Who uses the service?
People from all walks of life come to the centre. With up to 30 families attending weekly, usually up to 2 hours.
How do I access the service?
Just phone 091 860018 or email and the staff will organise a visit to the centre. Family support services and solicitors can also contact the service on behalf of families.
How much does it cost?
There is no charge for our service. It is available to all non-resident parents who want to use it.
Suppose I need another service?
Time 4 Us provides information on other services available to families e.g. family support or mediation. Ask the Program Manager or any of the Project Workers and they’ll be delighted to help.
Are there trained staff available at all times?
Yes, all of our staff are suitably qualified and have experience working with children and families.